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Avoid Posting on Social Media After Your Accident

SlechterLaw Firm, PLLC
People using social media on smartphone

The period after an accident can be overwhelming and difficult to sort through. However, there are certain activities you may need to avoid so that you do not hurt your case inadvertently. Among these is your use of social media. Even when you have the best intentions, posting photos and comments or sharing information about your accident or injuries can have a significant outcome on your personal injury claims. 

The skilled attorneys at Slechter Law Firm, PLLC, are committed to offering compassionate representation and personalized attention to clients in their accident cases. Mr. Slechter and Mrs. Slechter can explain how posting on social media can affect your accident case and enlighten you about the appropriate steps to take to protect yourself. The firm proudly serves clients across Louisville, Kentucky, and surrounding areas throughout the state, including Lexington. 

Social Media and Your Image  

Many people often use social media platforms – including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok – to connect with loved ones, engage with news content, or share information. However, what you post on your social media pages or the type of content you engage in can depict an image of your personality. However, these projections about you may be completely accurate. 

Unfortunately, someone who wants to make you look irresponsible, untruthful, or reckless can easily judge your personality through your social media posts. In addition, you can post pictures or comments that the insurer or insurance adjuster can interpret how they like. Especially when in search of an excuse to deny or undervalue your insurance claims, they may interpret your comments wrongly or take your posts out of context. 

How Social Media Can Affect Your Car Accident Case  

Furthermore, your posts and comments on social media can affect your auto accident case in different ways. These posts and comments can do affect you in many ways: 

  • Portray You Inaccurately: Your posts and comments on social media can portray you in a careless or inaccurate manner. Unfortunately, this can hurt the credibility of your injury claims with the insurer, claims adjuster, jury, or judge. 

  • Indicate Contradictory Actions: In addition, your posts on social media can show that there are inconsistencies between your reported injuries and actions or your current health condition. For example, assuming you reported a leg injury after the car crash but posted a picture of you jogging or dancing on your Instagram page, the insurer can become suspicious of the extent of your injuries and pain. 

  • Attract More Scrutiny: Also, posting on social media can attract more scrutiny. Unknown to you, the insurer can use sophisticated technology or retain a private investigator to monitor you and your social media posts. They may also monitor any post about you or where you’re tagged. Upon finding any contradicting action or information, they may take your post out of context to undervalue or deny your claims. 

  • Additional Evidence Required: If you mistakenly post a picture or comment where your actions contradict your injuries, you will need significant evidence to show that you’re suffering serious pain or discomfort from your injuries. If you’re unable to provide additional evidence to establish your claims, you may lose your leverage to negotiate with the insurer. 

To avoid hurting your case unintentionally, you should stay away from social media after your accident or injury. The insurance company and claims adjuster do not have your best interests. They’re searching for various excuses to undervalue your injury claims or lower your settlement amount. Hence, protect yourself and your claims by not posting on social media. 

Steps to Take to Protect Yourself  

Here are some insightful tips to protect yourself after an accident: 

  • Do not post on social media after the incident. 

  • Do not delete or hide existing posts from the insurer or insurance adjusters. 

  • Review your personal information and details on your social media accounts. 

  • Make your posts visible only to your friends and followers. 

  • Get proper guidance on how to remove or preserve your social media posts. 

  • Activate the highest levels of privacy on your social media accounts. 

  • Do not accept new friends or followers or post new comments until after settling your claims. 

  • Monitor posts that your friends tag you in. Inform your attorney of any post that may portray you in a careless manner. 

  • If you need to post, be careful about your comments and posts. 

  • Lastly, before you do anything on social media, discuss with your legal counsel for detailed guidance. 

A seasoned Kentucky car accident attorney can enlighten you about what you should or avoid doing and help ensure that you do not hurt your claims. 

Get Comprehensive Legal Guidance with Slecther Law Firm, PLLC  

Posting on social media after an accident can have a significant impact on the outcome of your injury claims. Mr. Slechter and Mrs. Slechter have devoted their careers to advocating for the best interests of auto accident victims and their loved ones. As your legal counsel, they can review your social media accounts and take proactive actions to protect your claims. Above all, your personal injury attorney will fight vigorously for your rights and help you recover your deserved financial compensation. 

Contact Slechter Law Firm, PLLC, today to schedule a simple case assessment with reliable personal injury attorneys. Mr. Slechter and Mrs. Slechter can offer you the personalized attention and advocacy you need and help protect your best interests. The firm proudly serves clients across Louisville, Kentucky, and surrounding areas throughout the state, including Lexington.